
About Me
Deciding Between Bankruptcy Types

After spending freely for years, I realized that I didn't have enough money to feed my family. I was devastated, and I didn't know what to do. Instead of writing off the problem as something that would go away on its own, I decided to take action. I met with a bankruptcy attorney to understand the process, and I was amazed at how kind, caring, and responsible he seemed. He walked me through what would happen, including how to decide between all of the types of bankruptcy out there. This blog is all about helping you to decide whether or not bankruptcy is right for you.


Dealing With Creditors And Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

2 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Once you file for bankruptcy, everyone you owe money to has no choice but to fall in line and follow the rules. Federal bankruptcy codes have very explicit rules for creditors during and after bankruptcy, but many filers may not be aware of them. You may be dealing with creditors before and during your bankruptcy, so read on to find out how more. Before Filing Chapter 7 It's no surprise that the aggressive tactics of creditors prompt many consumers to file for bankruptcy just to make it all stop. Read More …

How the Chapter 13 Restructuring Process Works

8 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Restructuring under Chapter 13 bankruptcy is one way that many people have been able to get their finances under control. This process is different than Chapter 7, where the goal is to sell all non-essential assets to pay down your debts before canceling whatever is left over. In Chapter 13, the goal is to reduce some of the debt load and set up a repayment plan that you can honor. It's important to understand how Chapter 13 bankruptcy is meant to work. Read More …

Drowning In Debt? Why You Should File For Bankruptcy

24 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Having a lot of debt can be one of the most restricting experiences in life. It hurts to know that you're unable to enjoy things like vacation or even giving a loved one a gift because you are swamped in a sea of bills. The situation doesn't always come from irresponsibility because a single illness could leave you with so many medical bills that you don't know how you're going to make it through. Read More …

Bankruptcy Before, During, Or After Your Divorce

1 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Money problems can be a big reason for a couple to get a divorce. When you are getting a divorce and you are also considering bankruptcy, the timing of the filing is going to be critical. Some couples choose to file for bankruptcy prior to filing for a divorce, making it easier to divide anything that might be left. Others decide to file during the divorce, making it hard to divide up any assets or debts because assets are hard to touch during a bankruptcy. Read More …

Bouncing Back After The Loss Of An Income

18 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It can be tough to focus on finances and recover following a job loss, or other devastating financial situation. If you are in a tough spot due to having recently lost an income, there are some prudent measures that you should take to get back on track. Consider the following advice to bounce back after a financial hurdle: Talk with a bankruptcy attorney. If your financial situation is dire, you may be a candidate for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Read More …